Platinum Financing Group

Accessed her IRA to grow her business

Lori Conrad

Hi my name is Laurie Conrod and I want to thank Platinum Financial Group because they really saved me and my business. I was in a position where the only money available to me, to help me grow my business was money that I had in an IRA, and I didn’t want to pay the penalties and the taxes and take the money out of that IRA and pay all those penalties and taxes in order to use it for my business. Platinum knew exactly what to help me do. They told me about something called a BDRA, a Business Directed Retirement Account, and I was able within two weeks to get access to all of my IRA money, it was put into my business, because of the BDRA, and now I can use that money tax free, penalty free, and use it for all the expenses I need in my business. I can’t thank you enough Platinum Financial, you totally saved what I needed to do for my business, and so few people know about a BDRA, and I want you to know about it because there’s so many people like me who have worked for years, and put all of our money into vehicles that are not liquid. We don’t think they’re liquid but they actually can be, so to find out more about how to grow your business using IRA money, contact Platinum, they will help you like they helped me.

Lori Conrad
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